Spring into Lice Prevention
Spring is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. Unfortunately, that applies for head lice too. They can't wait to enjoy the fresh air with your family and join you on spring break trips. The good news is it doesn't take much to spring into lice prevention mode and put a stop to their plans. Start your season of right with spring lice prevention tips to keep your family lice free this season.
Spring Lice Prevention:
Know What You're Against
Knowing the ins and outs of head lice can help you be prepared and avoid an infestation. Brush up on your lice facts and knowledge. Knowing facts like that head lice don't jump but crawl to a new host can help you avoid contact with a current host. Remember lice can't live long without a host but it never hurts to be careful. If there is an outbreak it's best to avoid direct head-to head contact and not share items that touch the head or shoulders. Knowing how lice spread and how you can prevent their spread is your greatest defense.
Know What Not to Do
Knowing what not to do in case of an infestation can save you a lot of time and stress. There are a lot of home remedies and over the counter products that claim to get rid of lice. Unfortunately, not all lice removal products are created equal. A lot of home removal products only kill adult louse not nits. This means the infestation can appear gone but will return as soon as the nits hatch. They can also be dangerous. It's best to trust the professionals when it comes to head lice.
Be sure to do your research when it comes to head lice removal products and professional services too. A lot of over-the-counter products contain pyrethrins which do not work on super lice. Meaning they won't kill all the head lice. Many treatments also contain harsh chemicals or can strip your hair and be harmful. At Lice Clinics of America, we use a heated, chemical free treatment to remove all lice safely. Even super lice and nits!
Know How to Stop the Spread
A very important part of preventing head lice is stopping the spread in your community. Silence can be head lice's greatest ally. Often people are afraid to share the news of head lice. Talking to your friends and peers can help them prevent the spread in their households. Informing those around you and having a prevention plan can keep lice from spreading further. This can give them time to get screened and have a head louse check before the lice has a chance to spread further. The sooner head lice are found the less time they have to spread to more hosts. Talk to your peers about the importance of early lice screenings and come up with a lice prevention plan.
Know What Not to Share
Like we mentioned above limiting contact during an outbreak is important. If there is a lice outbreak in your community or family, it's important to limit direct head-to-head contact for a while. This means not sharing hugs or sitting close together. Remind children to keep the space while playing. While lice cannot last long without a host, it is still best not to share accessories that touch the head and shoulders. Avoid sharing hats, brushes, hair accessories, sunglasses, clothes, and similar items.
Lice Clinics of America wants to you to start of spring on the right foot, so we are pushing spring lice prevention full force. If you have any questions on how to prevent head lice Clinics of America is ready with an answer!
Lice Clinics of America has successfully treated 650,000 cases. The company has over 300 clinics in 35 countries, making it the world’s largest network of professional lice treatment centers. Lice Clinics of America - Pearland is located at 4420 Broadway Street, Pearland, Texas 77581 and is open Monday - Sunday by appointment. Call 281-746-6397 or email: [email protected] or visit www.theliceremovalclinic.com for more information or to schedule an appointment.