Why Hair Dye Doesn't Kill Head Lice
We've all been there, searching frantically for a way to get rid of head lice. You turn to the internet and find a list of home remedies that someone swears will work. You dig through your cupboards and find the box of hair dye you bought once upon a time. What could it hurt to try? A new hair style and getting rid of the pesky critters doesn't seem too bad, right? But will the hair dye kill all of the head lice?
Head Lice & Hair Dye
Hair dye is made of some potent chemicals. The ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in hair dye can be very toxic to lice in some cases. You would think it'd be the perfect mix to kill the nasty pests infesting your hair. Unfortunately, hair dye might kill the grown lice, but it won't kill the nits. Nits are lice eggs often found attached to the base of the hair. Due to the protective nature of the egg, the dye won't kill the nits. This means in three weeks the nits will hatch and start the lice life cycle and infestation all over. You would need to continue this process over and over again to keep the lice away. Hoping to eventually catch them at just the right time before any nits are laid. This could take several attempts and mean damaging your hair or living with lice for an extended amount of time.
How to Kill Lice
The good news is there are better ways to get rid of head lice than hair dye. The Lice Removal Clinic is a professional lice removal clinic dedicated to helping you get lice free and stay lice free! We offer a lice free guarantee, meaning if our treatment doesn't work, we will retreat you at no cost! Our signature AirAllé device removes head lice in one easy treatment using heat, not chemicals. It's quick and doesn't damage your hair with nasty chemicals. We will even help you with lice advice before and after your appointment.
Don't make the mistake of treating your head lice with hair dye. Get rid of lice the first time with the Lice Removal Clinic.
Lice Clinics of America has successfully treated 650,000 cases. The company has over 300 clinics in 35 countries, making it the world’s largest network of professional lice treatment centers. Lice Clinics of America - Pearland is located at 4420 Broadway Street, Pearland, Texas 77581 and is open Monday - Sunday by appointment. Call 281-746-6397 or email: [email protected] or visit www.theliceremovalclinic.com for more information or to schedule an appointment.